We all know few things are as daunting in life as interacting with a stranger. Cold sales calls and awkward first dates are just two of the scenarios that fill us with so much dread we can’t help but get the chills and sweaty palms just thinking about them.

Interviews, especially for those career making, must have, positions can put a person into a similar panic induced quandary. What to say? How to act? What kind of attitude to project? While we can’t guarantee that you’ll end up landing the position, there is a tried and true tip for nailing the interview. As it turns out, there’s one skill that is guaranteed to engage the person you are talking with, regardless of the scenario. Put this knowledge to use with your next perspective employer and you’ll be that much further ahead of the competition from the get go.

So just what is this, guaranteed, never fail, method for engaging during interviews? It turns out, getting someone’s interest, and keeping it, is all about your energy level. When interacting with another person, if you want to have their attention solely focused on you, you should up your energy level one notch above their own. Sounds simple, right?

For practical applications, this means speaking slightly faster, offering responses just before they do, and always guiding the conversation, but not too much. Employ this method and you’ll be in control of the scenario, whether romantic, or corporate in nature.

Just Why the Heck Does That Work Anyways

If you’re the practical sort, before you invest your “energy” into the scenario, you may be wondering why this handy little method actually works. While the specifics are a bit murky, it may have something to do with the attention required of the listener to follow along being greater than that required to lead. If a person is put slightly off kilter by someone moving at a different, higher speed, they may feel the need to work harder to take in what is being said.

With more assertive personalities, such as those typical of the perspective boss you may be interviewing with, they may also feel instantly out of control of the situation. This requires an affirmative, engaging response on their part which in turn means more attention to your points, skills and experience. It also means you’ll make a bigger impression with a greater opportunity for a call back or landing the gig outright.

Tips, Tricks and Pointers

If you’re going to put our advice to practice, a couple of pointers. First, moderate your energy level just a touch. When we say high energy think upbeat and optimistic human rather than rabid, out of control squirrel. In addition, you should read your audience for any potential awkwardness or discomfort. While we think this solution works in a vast majority of scenarios, there are exceptions to every rule. Keep these basics in mind, and let your personality shine, and you’re guaranteed to hook your targeted audience right from hello until the very last handshake goodbye.